Friday, November 2, 2012


“Attitude is everything in life…You can make the choice in how you view any situation you find yourself in.  If you are to live life right here, right now, it is imperative that you maintain a good attitude in all situations.”~ Carole Lewis

Basically the choice is yours!  How will you start your day?  With a good one or a bad one?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Back To School With Doctor Kevin McKamey of Delmarva Chiropractic

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dr Kevin McKamey is now at Delmarva Chiropractic!!

Focusing on function with a determination to get to the root of the cause, Dr Kevin L. McKamey brings compassion and attention to detail into practice to get you back to health.
Dr. McKamey is a 2009 graduate of the excellent chiropractic program at Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri. He holds a bachelors degree in Human Biology, a Masters in Sport Science and Rehabilitation and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. Additionally, he holds certificates as a Chiropractic Wellness Specialist from the American Chiropractic Association and as an Internal Health Specialist from the Loomis Institute. He has advanced training and has completed research topics in LASER therapeutics and vibration therapies.
He possess a wide variety of life experience, something that lends well to interacting with a diverse patient base. A 10+ year veteran of the United States Navy Submarine Service, he served as a submarine weapons systems technician on USS Benjamin Franklin SSBN 640, USS Woodrow Wilson SSBN 624 and USS Grayling SSN 624. He also served as an enlisted tactics instructor at the Naval Submarine School in New London, CT. Capt. McKamey holds a US Merchant Mariners document as an Able Seaman Unlimited Tonnage and a Masters License (Captain) from the United States Coast Guard allowing him to command passenger and other commercial vessels up to 500 Gross Tons in coastal and near coastal waters. His experience as a husband, father, Captain and member of the Armed Forces has tempered him with patience, compassion and dedication with a keen focus and attention to details.
Dr. McKamey and his wife Julie have 2 sons, Keenan (22) and Brenden (20) and reside in Salisbury. As a family they have always enjoyed the outdoors. Involvement with the boys in Little League baseball piqued Dr. McKamey’s early interest in sports and biomechanics. Not inclined towards watching television to excess the family spent much of their recreational time out of doors enjoying bicycling, swimming, fishing, hiking and exploring. Dr. McKamey relates; “We have visited numerous State and National Parks across the United States and spent countless hours driving through the countryside of this great land. Julie and I continue to enjoy drives along the back roads enjoying everything the area has to offer. Assateauge Beach has become one of our favorite destinations.”
Persuing Diplomate status as a Chiropractic Internist it is his desire to serve the Lower Shore with the most advanced protocols in conservative health care. Chiropractic Internists are trained in modern medical diagnosis, functional medicine, and natural therapeutics. Chiropractic physicians with a DABCI post-doctoral certification utilize conventional medical diagnostics, specialized functional testing, and wholistic medicine diagnostic evaluations. DABCI physicians routinely employ methods such as blood laboratory studies, urinalyses, electrocardiograms, vascular doppler ultrasound, spirometry, DEXA bone density testing, salivary assay hormonal and neurotransmitter tests, IgG food allergy testing, diagnostic imaging to include x-ray, CT, MRI, comprehensive gastrointestinal stool analyses, and many other diagnostic tools. A DABCI uses therapeutic methods which emphasize conservative and minimally invasive approaches and minimize risk to the patient. Diplomates in diagnosis and internal disorders use treatments such as clinical nutrition, dietetics, exercise, vitamin and mineral supplementation, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, acupuncture, natural hormone replacement, and pharmacologic counseling.

Call today for your appointment!!  410-219-5155

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kevin McKamey Chiropractor Salisbury Maryland

Dr. Kevin McKamey, Salisbury Chiropractor and wife Julie
Kevin McKamey, DC and wife Julie

Dr Kevin McKamey


Compassion, Attention to Details and Experience with a Determination to get to the Root of the CAUSE!

Car accident led me to become a Chiropractor

I was a chiropractic patient long before deciding to leave a career in the maritime industry and enroll in chiropractic college in 2004. I received my first chiropractic adjustment some 25 years earlier in 1985. 
I was a few weeks into my post-operative recovery from rotator cuff surgery to my right shoulder, when I was rear ended by another driver while stopped at a traffic signal. Over the next several days I experienced headaches, neck, mid back and shoulder pain with muscle spasms and stiffness. 

At the suggestion of my father, I sought the care of a Doctor of Chiropractic. Diagnosed with a Whiplash injury to the spine and postsurgical soft tissue trauma to the shoulder I entered into a year long treatment regime which brought about complete restoration of function and range of motion to my spine and shoulder.
Chiropractic treatments kept me from having surgery for a herniated lumbar disc. 
I again referred to chiropractic care when I  herniated a lumbar disc a few years later. After an orthopedic surgical consultation, during which a stabilization procedure was recommended, I decided to elect conservative care. After researching outcomes of lumbar surgery and talking to several people who had undergone invasive procedures, I felt the risks were too great. The outcome was positive in less than half of those who underwent lumbar fusion surgery and I didn’t like those odds. Chiropractic treatments helped me overcome the pain associated with my disc problems and strengthen and restore function of my low back. Twenty years later I remain essentially symptom free with regular chiropractic adjustments and an arsenal of maintenance exercises.

Chiropractic Education and Philosophy

With a desire to help others and an opportunity to make a career change I plotted a new course in life. There had been a long time interest in natural healing and I held a belief that GOD had created us to live a much longer healthier life than most of us do. The idea that “the power that made the body, heals the body” resonated strongly with me. Chiropractic philosophy held that premise as truth and with encouragement from my wife Julie, my chiropractor in Charleston, SC and a host of friends and family I mailed an application and was accepted to Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri. I left my job on the Charleston waterfront and in 2004 my family and I moved to Ballwin, MO just minutes from the Logan campus. Logan College happened to offer exactly what I needed, a basic science program leading to a Bachelors Degree and a comprehensive, accredited Doctoral curriculum with an opportunity to complete my Masters degree.

A little bit about me 

I possess a wide variety of life experience, something that lends well to interacting with a diverse patient base. I am  a 10+ year veteran of the United States Navy Submarine Service where I served as a submarine weapons systems technician on USS Benjamin Franklin SSBN 640, USS Woodrow Wilson SSBN 624 and USS Grayling SSN 624. I also served as an enlisted tactics instructor at the Naval Submarine School in New London, CT. I hold a US Merchant Mariners document as an Able Seaman Unlimited Tonnage and a Masters License (Captain) from the United States Coast Guard allowing me to command passenger and other commercial vessels up to 500 Gross Tons in coastal and near coastal waters. My experiences as a husband, father, Captain and member of the Armed Forces have given me patience, compassion and dedication with a keen focus and attention to details.

My family

As a family we have always enjoyed the outdoors. When the boys were young we were deeply involved in Little League baseball. Not inclined towards watching television to excess we spent much of our recreational time out of doors enjoying bicycling, swimming, fishing, hiking and exploring. We have visited numerous State and National Parks across the United States and spent countless hours driving through the countryside of this great land. Julie and I continue to enjoy drives along the back roads enjoying everything the area has to offer. Assateauge Beach has become one of our favorite destinations.

Thank you for taking time to visit this blog!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Don't Forget

to get signed up for your local CSA and get your fresh veggies straight from the farm!!  There are several in the Salisbury, MD area not to mention the awesome farmer's markets!! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fresh, Frozen or Canned?

Fresh is always best...
Frozen comes in second..
then there is canned.
So there you have my pecking order!

To me vegetables fresh from the farm or just picked are healthier for you but frozen or canned ones are still a good choice.  If frozen or canned right after being harvested they will still have healthy nutrients.  I also believe since farm fresh is the best you should eat in season (what's being harvested now).  This is where belonging to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) can be very beneficial!

If you have to buy canned, keep in mind how much salt is added and try to buy those without added salt.

Remember don't overcook your veggies!!  Lightly steamed works well and helps retain the nutrients.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why Soak?

Sometimes I have to remind myself why I do the things I do...

If you eat substantial quantities of raw pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts or others, you have a choice of swallowing enzyme capsules (available through us so send an email if you want to know more about Loomis Enzymes) with them to neutralize their enzyme inhibitors or first germinating the nuts and letting nature do the job through increased enzyme activity resulting from germination.

Almost anyone can eat several nuts without feeling any effect but it is common knowledge that nuts are heavy on the stomach if consumed in substantial quantity. So what is substantial quantity? I don't know but I think at least one serving a day would be a good addition to your diet as you take baby steps towards a more natural basic diet. So why not germinate those tasty raw nuts?? It's not that hard.

I throw the nuts in a bowl of filtered water, sprinkle the water with sea salt and let them sit out overnight. The next day I drain and rinse (especially the pecans and walnuts because I don't like the skin stuff that stays on them otherwise) and I either dehydrate them or pop them on cookie sheets in the oven on no more than 150 degrees.

Nuts do not go rancid easily and once prepared may be stored for many months at room temperature in an airtight container. However, walnuts are more susceptible to rancidity so store those treasures in the refrigerator!

So now I remember, it has to do with the enzyme inhibitors....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

LiteCure Lasers For Life

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy accelerates your body’s own natural healing process through photo-bio-stimulation. Laser therapy provides concrete benefits. Laser therapy is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions and post surgical pain.

Some Benefits:

→ Effective for difficult conditions
→ Alternative to surgery
→ Fast treatment times
→ Easy non-invasive treatment
→ Scientifically proven treatment

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chiropractic Featured on the Dr. Oz Show

Grain Mill and Bosch Mixer

Are both tools I use to cook with.
Check out my other blog at
Both of these tools are available through me! You can get more information at or you can send me a message!

Are You Eating....

...your fruits and veggies every day? Did you know...

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends we eat 7 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most people don't come anywhere close. Clinically proven Juice Plus+ helps you bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat, every day.

Yes, I am a distributor for Juice Plus and you can order through me just by going to it's very simple to shop online and the products are shipped directly to you!!

Here's another tidbit for your 411 bag:

The latest clinical research shows that people can improve their chances of living longer, healthier lives by eating more fruits and vegetables. So it's good to know that Juice Plus+ provides nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient and inexpensive capsule form. Learn more about the clinically proven benefits of Juice Plus+.

There is also a Children's Health Study for more info on it go to But here's a little about it:

What is the Children's Health Study?

Established in 1999, the international Children's Health Study is a large-scale, multi-year survey designed to formally document the positive effects Juice Plus+® has on the health and well-being of families who take it.

The study is based on three important concepts:

1. Good nutrition is the foundation of health and inspires other healthy lifestyle choices.
2. The best time to establish good health and nutritional habits is in childhood.
3. The key to getting children to adopt good health habits is parental involvement.

How does it work?

The way the Children's Health Study works is simple. For every parent, grandparent, or other adult that signs up as a Juice Plus+® customer, the study provides Juice Plus+® Orchard Blend and Juice Plus+® Garden Blend free to a child, teenager, or college student for up to three years. At various intervals — after 4-8 months and then at the end of each year — adult participants are asked to fill out a voluntary survey to determine whether (and how) their families' health habits have changed as a result of taking Juice Plus+®.

Happy Eating! ;-P

Sunday, January 8, 2012


From: Randy L. Leopando (St Louis, MO)

‎"Develop a gym routine. Try to go at least three times a week. Do a mix of strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. After the third week, stop carrying around that satchel of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies."

If you don't belong to a gym, then start out with a routine at home. The fitness trend over the last 5 years has been using less equipment anyway. Stay tuned for an extremely simple beginner's home exercise routine that requires nothing but yourself and the floor.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Did You Know....

dogs have chiropractors?! (completely copied from the Sam's Club mag that came today)

The American Veterinary Chiropractic Association certifies animal chiropractors who treat skeletal alignment skeletal alignment (yes, it was printed twice in the article) problems in not just dogs, but also in horses, cats, pigs, sheep and even reptiles. There are more than a thousand AVCA-certified professionals practicing in the U.S. That lends new meaning to the term "animal cracker"!

I had to post this!! Animal crackers!! bawhahaha

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Steps

Why take on the full marathon when you can take baby steps that don't hurt so much? I think if you go full force towards those marathon goals you will burn out quickly and revert to your old take baby steps peeps!

The whole marathon picture is eat healthy, drink water, exercise, get proper rest, take off 100 pounds.

The baby step picture is add more water to your routine this week, as you clean out the refrigerator and cupboards to make room for healthy foods!

Next week add 3 days of exercise while drinking your water and buying healthy foods for the refrigerator and cupboards.

The following week keep up with the healthy eating, drinking more water, and exercise but add proper rest in there.

I think you get the picture, don't overwhelm yourself with the full force marathon, take those baby steps, set those long term goals and short term goals and work towards meeting them.

Here's to a healthier 2012 for you and me! ;-)