Sunday, February 16, 2014

Relax, Rest, Regenerate, Renew, Revive AAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

Relax means:
~ to become less tense, rigid, or firm.
~ to become less strict or severe; grow milder.
~ to reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc., especially for the sake of rest or recreation.
~ to release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension, etc.

Relax was the key word for my Valentines Day weekend.  And ya know what…it was good!  We do not do it often, the kind of "relax" where you LEAVE the house and the worries of life behind and drive to a nearby (so you are not road weary) destination and relax!  It was all a surprise for me, a very nice surprise that was pulled off with some help but still he did good!

So I was thinking about how important it is to relax as part of stress relieve.  We all get stressed out sometimes and need to just get away, check out from reality, take a break from life, if only for a few hours.
Stress seems to rule our days, to rule our weeks, to rule our months and it’s time to do something about it!  Come on, I know you know what I am blogging about.  You wake up stressing over this or that on a regular basis.  Don't ya?!  You can admit it!!

Why is reducing stress so important?  Because it is not healthy for you and wellness is our focus here peeps!  Overall well being of our mind, body and soul.  I’m here to educate, empower and encourage you to handle your stress!  So here's some stress fighting tips:

Relax ~ Just do nothing, do not think about the stresses of life, it can be for an hour, a day or an entire weekend, just do it!  Leave the cell phones, office stuff and worries of world in a box and don't open the lid!

Breathe ~ Sit up straight, close your eyes and inhale and exhale, nice and easy, then repeat 10 times.  3 deep breathes like this before you begin to consume your meal can go a long way too!

Eat Chocolate ~ A piece of dark chocolate might be just the nibble you need to brighten your outlook and reduce stress. (milk chocolate doesn’t count)  Did I mention we did “Death by Chocolate” this weekend?!  Yeah baby!

Soothing Scents  ~ To calm those nerves in an instant, try inhaling aromas from lavender or peppermint oils.

Take a Bath ~  Hydrotherapy has been practiced for years.  Its healing and restorative powers are great. To make your tub-time extra therapeutic, sprinkle in a handful of bath salts, turn down the lights, turn on some relaxing music, light an aromatherapy candle and LOCK THE BATHROOM DOOR AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!!  ;-)

Get Moving  ~  Even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing go for a brisk walk!  A walk is one of the quickest, most effective ways to reduce stress.  Pound it out!

Go to Your HaPpY pLaCe ~ When you feel tension throughout your body, calm those nerves by closing your eyes and picturing your happy place.  I like to go the beach, hear the waves crashing, feel the sand between my toes and the sun on my face.  There is usually a little umbrella drink in my hand too!  The mind can be very powerful sometimes!
Now that I've shared some relaxing, stress fighting tips I'd like to thank the owner and staff of The Refuge Inn for the wonderful accommodations, the owner and staff of Waterside Inn for the sweet hospitality and awesome finish line of the Death by Chocolate trail and to all the local merchants that participated in the event.

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