Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So How'd That Food Journal Work Out For You??

Did you keep it for a week?
Did it help you pinpoint some eating problem times?
What ya think?
Gonna do it again this week?

I found for myself it was an excellent tool to show my perfection mess of an eating plan I have!  Oh wait, I have no plan so that is part of the problem.  Let me just say each morning started out well.  Same boring thing.  Java times two.  Lunch was later in the day and usually kicked off an eating frenzy until bedtime.  ;-(  By Friday I stopped writing in my journal all together.  Here it is Tuesday and did I start writing anything this week?  um no.  As I have declared already I know what to do, how to do it but I don't always do that which is right when it comes to my own wellness.  So what am I gonna do the rest of the day today?  Track my food intake!  Why wait until the morning?!  Are you with me?  I have stumbled ~ thanks for picking me up so we can carry on together!

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