Wednesday, April 28, 2021

             Four Low Impact Exercises You Can Do Every Day

Some people love intense, high energy workouts with heavy weights and lots of sweat. But that is not the only way to get a “good workout.”
Low impact cardio also has numerous health benefits—and the best part? It is ideal for any age and stage of life.
Getting active for 30 minutes each day with some cardio can have a positive impact on your mood as well as release endorphins (natural chemicals in the body that make you feel good).  Invigorating exercise can also help improve your heart health which can aid in the fight against Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure.
Interested?  Why not give it a shot? Here are a few different low impact exercises almost anyone can work into their day.

1. Walking.
 A brisk 20-minute walk can get your heart pumping, muscles activated and calories burning. The best part? You can set the pace. Add more walking into your day by making it a habit to go for a walk after each meal.

2. Biking.
 Have a bicycle collecting dust in your garage? Now is the perfect time to dust it off. Start by setting a weekly mileage goal for yourself—it takes about four minutes (on average) to bike one mile.

3. Swimming.
 If you have access to a pool, swimming is an excellent way to sneak cardio into your day. If you have injuries, it is also ideal for rehab exercises.

4. Stretching.
 Yes, stretching is exercise! Better yet, it can help you wake up in the morning or relax after a long day.
If you are finding even light exercise painful or hard to do.  That is where we can usually help. Give us a call to book an adjustment—we will do our best to balance your spine and nervous system so that you can get back to living the life you love.

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