Saturday, May 27, 2023

Understanding Sciatica and Chiropractic Care


Sciatica is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, or weakness in the buttocks and legs. The condition affects millions of people worldwide, and many find relief through chiropractic care.

What Is It?

Sciatica is caused by a pinched or irritated sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and down each leg. The nerve can become compressed for a variety of reasons, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease.

Symptoms of sciatica include pain that radiates from the lower back down the leg, tingling or numbness in the leg or foot, and muscle weakness in the affected leg.

In our practice, we help sciatica patients through non-invasive and drug-free methods. Chiropractic care for sciatica typically involves adjustments, which may help to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

In addition to adjustments, we may also recommend other complementary therapies to help alleviate symptoms and prevent future flare-ups. These may include exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles that support the lower back, as well as lifestyle modifications like weight loss, improved posture, and stress reduction techniques.

Ready to Learn More?

If you are experiencing sciatica symptoms like lower back pain, leg pain, or numbness, chiropractic care may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact our practice to schedule an appointment and learn more about how care can help you find relief from sciatica symptoms.

Remember, early intervention is key when it comes to sciatica, so don’t delay in seeking care if you suspect you may be suffering from this condition.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

             Four Low Impact Exercises You Can Do Every Day

Some people love intense, high energy workouts with heavy weights and lots of sweat. But that is not the only way to get a “good workout.”
Low impact cardio also has numerous health benefits—and the best part? It is ideal for any age and stage of life.
Getting active for 30 minutes each day with some cardio can have a positive impact on your mood as well as release endorphins (natural chemicals in the body that make you feel good).  Invigorating exercise can also help improve your heart health which can aid in the fight against Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure.
Interested?  Why not give it a shot? Here are a few different low impact exercises almost anyone can work into their day.

1. Walking.
 A brisk 20-minute walk can get your heart pumping, muscles activated and calories burning. The best part? You can set the pace. Add more walking into your day by making it a habit to go for a walk after each meal.

2. Biking.
 Have a bicycle collecting dust in your garage? Now is the perfect time to dust it off. Start by setting a weekly mileage goal for yourself—it takes about four minutes (on average) to bike one mile.

3. Swimming.
 If you have access to a pool, swimming is an excellent way to sneak cardio into your day. If you have injuries, it is also ideal for rehab exercises.

4. Stretching.
 Yes, stretching is exercise! Better yet, it can help you wake up in the morning or relax after a long day.
If you are finding even light exercise painful or hard to do.  That is where we can usually help. Give us a call to book an adjustment—we will do our best to balance your spine and nervous system so that you can get back to living the life you love.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

       Is Working From Home Wrecking Your Back?

As COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out and the risk decreases, many workers will return to their normal workplaces. But some workers will continue to work from home long term and are finding it difficult – especially those without a dedicated, stable ergonomic office space from which to carry out their day.

While this in and of itself can be a pain, it’s also likely causing real pains in your back, neck and eyes.

As your partner in health, we’d like to provide a few work-from-home tips to help you thrive in your makeshift office space.

 1. Do you have to read documents for your job?
 Make sure you don’t read them from a flat surface—because that means your neck is hanging down. If you deal with paper documents or use an iPad for viewing, invest in a vertical document holder. Have an old music stand? That will also do the trick.

2. Posture is important - sit back in your chair with your feet flat on the ground in front of you. We know, it’s tempting to work from your comfortable couch or recliner — but your back won’t like that after a while. If your feet don’t reach the floor when you’re sitting back in your chair, grab a few books and place them under your feet as support.  A physioball makes a great seat causing you to sit upright and engage your core muscles.

3. Standing desks may be all the rage but use them in moderation.
Why? Standing puts more stress and strain on our circulatory system (as well as the feet and legs) than sitting does. The best option is to alternate between your chair and standing desk hourly.

4. Ditch the mouse pad with the squishy wrist rest. Having anything under your wrist can actually add compression on the carpal tunnel median nerve, leading to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

5. Make sure your screen or monitor is set up perpendicular to a window.
This will help reduce glare from the light and minimize visual eye strain.
Do you experience episodes of back pain, neck tension or headaches that you just can’t seem to kick to the curb? We’re here to help. Contact us to book an appointment for an adjustment.

Would you like to find out if chiropractic might help with your condition? Call Dr. McKamey's office to schedule a consultation. 

Dr. Kevin L. McKamey of East Park Integrative Chiropractic

1340 Belmont Ave, Suite 504

Salisbury, Md.; 443-880-3830 

See original blog post here:

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

East Park Integrative Chiropractic Logo Questions Answered.....

From Doctor McKamey...

About the CAIRN in our logo:

A cairn is a man-made pile (or stack) of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn [ˈkʰaːrˠn̪ˠ] (plural càirn [ˈkʰaːrˠɲ]). 

From prehistoric times to the present, Cairns are and have been used for a broad variety of purposes including markers or monuments to guide travelers, indicate safe harbors or navigational channels.

They vary in size from small stone markers to entire artificial hills, and in complexity from loose conical rock piles to delicately balanced sculptures and elaborate feats of megalithic engineering.

Cairns are simple rock formations, used as landmarks to guide travelers along a path or to mark a sacred place.  From the Arctic territories of the Inuit to temples in Korea, cairns can be found all over the world.

In modern times, cairns are often erected as landmarks, a use they have had since ancient times.

Hope For The Journey Ahead……..A Pinterest article from July.  The original author is Geologist David B. Williams.  The excerpt is from his book Cairns: Messengers in Stone.

 “Cairns have evolved as symbols of friendship, safety, and direction.  They offer guidance for those wandering life’s path.  To stumble upon a cairn is to know that you aren’t alone, that someone has traversed the same terrain you now find yourself on.  In this way, cairns remind us to never give up, that the journey is yours to make as long as you keep traveling.

It’s about those little piles of rocks best known as trail markers around the world.  In addition to weaving together the natural history of cairns, including geology, ecology, and how to figure out how old they are, I focus on three themes.  The first is communication, for cairns are arguably one of humanity’s earliest ways of sharing information.  The second is connection, in that people often build a cairn or add a stone to one as a means of connecting to place, history, and/or family.  And, finally, I write about cairns as a sign of community, of travelers, of hikers, of explorers; each time we build one or rely on one we are bonding with those who came before and will come later.”

During our travels as a family, we used to stack 7 stones in small towers wherever we went.  There was no real reason for the practice; it was a novelty.  Spiritually, seven is the number of completion or perfection.  Our small monuments were a sign we had been there, left for others to know someone had passed through before them. 

When Julie and I were considering logo’s for EPIC we wanted something very special to convey a uniqueness and establish a sense of community.  Stacked stones and balanced sea glass images began to jump into sight everywhere.  It was in perfect synchronicity with everything else that was happening.  The cairn in the image with this post, popped up on Pinterest during one of our searches for ideas.  Initially, we thought the cairn might serve as the I in EPIC.

My light side needed something more whimsical, with the same message but not as rigid.  Our immediate family rendered guidance.  A friend, Jen Moore, came up with the final whimsical cairn.   Many will not know its significance.  To paraphrase David B Williams:  It’s all about Communication, Connection and Community. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Product, Product and More Product


We are carrying the following lines of product:

Now Foods....

Golden Tiger...

CV Sciences CBD Oil...

Apex Energetics...

NOW Foods

Golden Tiger

CV Sciences

Apex Energetics

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Same Great Chiropractic Care, Just a New Office!

A little about Dr. Kevin L. McKamey:

Kevin L. McKamey MS, DC, is a 2009 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic/Logan University where he earned his Bachelors of Science in Human Biology, Masters of Science in Sports Rehabilitation and Doctorate in Chiropractic Studies. The Doctor of Chiropractic curriculum at Logan includes a balance of basic, chiropractic and clinical sciences as well as extensive business training. Graduates of Logan College are exposed to one of the most comprehensive chiropractic programs in the nation with nearly 5,000 classroom and clinical contact hours. His education was highlighted by over 800 outpatient clinical hours serving as a Senior Chiropractic Intern at the Montgomery Health Center, Bio-Freeze Sports Rehabilitation Center, Bogey Hills Health Clinic and Veterans Administration Hospital Spine Care Unit. He also completed a 300 hours internship in clinical medical orthopedics as a Master’s resident at Parkcrest Orthopedics in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. McKamey has obtained training in and utilizes a number of chiropractic techniques including: Cox Flexion/Distraction for the cervical and lumbar regions, Diversified, Gonstead, Logan Basic, Sacro Occipital (SORCI) and Pro Adjuster techniques.
Dr. McKamey has been licensed by the state of Maryland since 2011 to practice chiropractic with physical therapy privileges and supervise the training and administration of Chiropractic Assistant’s (CA’s) under Maryland license number S03664. He is registered with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under NPI 1134356181. He is also inactively licensed by the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation F1-0000813 and the Virginia Board of Medicine VA 0104556971. Originally practicing in the St. Louis, Missouri area as a locum tenens doctor and subsequently in Western North Carolina as sole proprietor of Synergy Wellness of Highlands, Dr. McKamey relocated to Salisbury in March 2011 and has been serving the Salisbury and greater Delmarva area for nearly 10 years, eight of those as an Associate at Delmarva Chiropractic P.C. He is trained in a number of chiropractic manipulative techniques and maintains bi-annual certification as a Cox Flexion Distraction Practitioner specializing in the management and treatment of a number of acute and chronic spine and joint ailments including but not limited to low back sprains and strains, degenerative joint and disc disease, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis as well as neck and shoulder pain. He is certified by the American Chiropractic Association as Chiropractic Wellness Specialist and Post-Surgical Spine Rehabilitation Specialist. He is also certified American Medical Institute of LASER Applications in the use of advanced LASER therapeutics (Low Level Light Therapy) and by several entities in a number of soft tissue techniques. Additionally, he is board eligible as a Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Internists, a division of the American Chiropractic Association and maintains association with a number of professional and civic organizations including the American Chiropractic Association and the Maryland Chiropractic Association, Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders, Clear Spine Institute as well as the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and is a Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans.
East Park Integrative Chiropractic opened July 7, 2020 with a stated goal to provide safe, holistic chiropractic care for patients of all ages. This clinic will serve all sectors of the community and will specialize in modern, evidence-based practices providing evaluation, examination, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic conditions of the spine and other joints of the human frame as well as recreational sports and athletic injuries. We will proactively focus on the patient’s satisfaction with their general overall health and their ability to enjoy life and engage in common activities of daily living. We will provide postural and functional analysis, ergonomic studies, structural and biomechanical evaluation and training along with rehabilitative home exercise programs. It is our vision to provide our partners/patients with dynamic and integrative care, highlighting natural, non-invasive options to many common and debilitating complaints. We will also provide a number of other services including but not limited to: physical therapy, lifestyle, nutrition and weight loss counseling. It is our goal to integrate our business with that of other businesses creating a vector for services while providing a valuable and necessary service to the community creating a common location for functional medicine, naturopathy, massage therapy and acupuncture.