Sunday, March 11, 2018

Cheese Anyone?!

I just finished reading a book called Who Moved My Cheese?  It took me a few weeks to get through it because I had some things that needed my attention in my "spare time" so it wasn't a slow moving book or a bad read, just took me some time to get to it.

It was a little eye opener, kind of put things into black and white, by that I mean, basically change happens and you can either be looking for it or hiding from it.  I prefer to look for it, flow with it, keep up with it.  I haven't always had that mind set.  I can get in a rut so to speak sometimes and just not put effort into change.  Guess it's the comfy place you don't want to move out of.

As a military wife I embraced change every few years with a new city to live in and a new job to start and more friends to make.  Then came kids and we didn't move, nor did I change jobs for those 14 years.  In 2004 we took the plunge ~ moved, changed jobs, did the full time college thing, turned our lives upside down....only to do the same thing in 2010.

Here I am in 2018 looking for change because like I said it's going to happen and I can look for it or hide from it.

I say buy the book and read it along with one called Fish. 

P.S.  Cheese isn't just for Friday night wine, cheese and crackers.  ;-P